Thursday, October 30, 2008

head colds, ear aches, and sinus infections oh my!

So, this has not been the most enjoyable week to say the least. I took Liam into the doctor about a week ago and the Dr. said he had a head cold, gave us some decongestant and sent us on our way. Shortly there after Liam decided to share his little bug with daddy...and we all know what that means...I then had TWO sick babies to take care of! :0) Liam was super clingy and fussy and had started waking up with the middle of the night howling, was difficult to console, and would arch back if you tried to comfort him so I started getting worried. On Sunday Matthew went to the Dr. and the Dr. gave him some cough syrup with Codiene and Matthew asked if they had any openings so that we could bring Liam in. An hour later the Dr. had looked at him and said that his ears looked a little red, but there wasn't any infection. Well, alas we got throught Sunday night, but by Monday evening Liam was starting to "swat" at his right ear so we called and set up an appointment for Tuesday morning. We went in and sure enough...he had an infection behind his right ear drum. We were given some antibiotics and numbing ear drops and sent on our way. He seems to be improving slowly but surely, however now I think mommy is coming down with a sinus who's going to take care of me?? HA! This is my first time getting sick since Liam was born so it's been kinda rough with the entire household sick. I'm afraid to take any medication that might make me pass out for 8 I'm drinking lots of fluid (which I guess I should be doing anyway) and am trying to take it easy...whatever that means as a mom right? :0)

I'm sure life will soon go on about it's business. Halloween's probably not going to be an elaborate affair this year...but what they hey...the last thing Liam needs is a bunch of candy he can't even eat right?


Anonymous said...

Liam sure is cute! He really needs a brown hat! ~ Teresa

danica and nick said...

oh, i hope you made it through all of that sickness in one piece!