Thursday, October 9, 2008

What am I thinking...

So it's almost 11pm and I'm sitting here in front of the TV wondering why the heck I'm not in bed right now! I must say that I am reveling in the silence. Liam's asleep and Matthew is having to work late tonight...this is the first time in I don't know how long that I have full access to the laptop and TV at the same time, without having to keep Liam away (he likes the laptop...go figure).

Life is good...I'm contemplating picking up some more hours at work these days. I'm still doing nights, which is the way to go if you ask me. The pay rocks and you get to just take care of the orders are usually being written, no tests to take the babies down for, the pace is much more conducive to a stress free life. We're wanting to try and get some bills paid down over the next year, so the best way to do that is for me to pick up some more hours. For me that means working some 12 hour shifts instead of 8 hour shifts...that means I'm not losing much of my home time...just my sleep time. You do what you've gotta do huh? At least I really enjoy the people I work with...that's definitely a plus. The unit is still growing...they're adding 12 more NICU beds where the postpartum waiting room used to be, which indicates a serious lack of planning on the hospitals part when they were building this new building like 2 years ago.

Okay, enough about work, Liam is much more fun to talk about! He is so funny. He's started this thing where he stands up and starts clapping for himself! It's so stinking cute...but I haven't been able to get it on camera yet. He's got two top teeth coming in with two more probably on the way per the dentist office. He's finally come out of the latest teething spell...and I have my sweet little boy back for a short time until the pain of cutting more teeth begins again.

The other night we were getting Liam ready for bed and he crawled over to my old rocking chair that's in his room. I put him in it and started rocking it and he LOVED it! It's so funny cause now when he sits in his high chair he starts pushing back like he's trying to rock the chair...silly boy!

Liam's also getting a little more adventerous in the bathtub...which makes bath time a bit treacherous these days. The kid flat out won't sit still and just play with the 50 or so toys that he has in the bathtub with him. Oh no, he has now discovered how pretty the shiny faucet is and he thinks it's fun to pull up on it repeatedly...even after to say "No" and sit him back down on his bottom. Stubborn little thing he is!Now that he's graduated to the big tub I'm just waiting for one good head bonk to happen! Matthew and I were laughing today about covering the tub with foam rubber...if only right?!

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