Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's The Most Insane Time of the Year!!

Okay, wow, it's been a while since I've had a chance to sit down and write something out. Liam's all over the place now so the only time I get with the computer is generally after he's in bed at night...and then half the time lately I have a list of stuff I need to get done still! Alas, I have finished most of my list for the day so I thought I would put off a few things in hopes of letting everyone know what we're up to.

Let's see Liam had a big day on 11/12, here's the story....
I had just left for work and made it about 5 minutes down the road when I got a call from Matthew who was frantic informing me that Liam had just tripped and busted his head open. My first response was, "Are you kidding me?" (See, in the past my husband has at times been a bit melodramatic about things...tending to sometimes blow things out of proportion) He responded, "No, he fell and his head is bleeding!", my response, "Are you kidding me??" and at this point Matthew was getting a little irritated with me and responded with an angry "NO!" So, I proceeded to call into work as I attempted to turn the car around and head back to pick the boys up and head to the ER for the second time in Liam's short life (the first occured when he had a reaction the first time he took formula at about 6-8 weeks old...his hands, feet, and ears got all red and swollen...very scary). Matthew comes out with Liam only in a diaper with a cloth held against his head and Liam's PJ's in his free hand (No worries it was like 80 degrees here at the time). Matthew gets him in his car seat and we head off, yes, Liam is still in his diaper at this point. Once we get going I ask why Liam doesn't have his PJ's on...and Matthew looks at me like I'm crazy and says something to the effect of, "You try putting PJ's on a crying baby with a head injury!". Halfway to the hospital I ask if he remembered to grab the diaper bag and he says no....and I think what would men do without us sometimes! At least we're headed to a hospital that is well stocked with diapers and formula and whatnot! We get to the hospital and Liam is fine and dandy playing and laughing at things, and at this point his head is only just oozing. It took about 30 min to get into a room (not bad) and then probably an hour before we were lucky enough to have a med student attempt to glue the cut closed. He did get the site closed, but he dripped glue into Liam's eyebrow and almost got his glove stuck to Liam's head!! I was a little irritated to say the least. Liam did pretty well all in all and we went home and life continued on as normal. Thankfully the glue finally came all the way out just this last week, right before we took him to take his 1 year pictures!

We got to spend thanksgiving with family in Dallas. We went to stay at my cousins house with my mom and aunt, and we all had a really good time. I had to work the night before thanksgiving and then we jumped in a car pretty much as soon as I got home...talk about one of the longest days of my life cause even though I got like a 4 hour nap we stayed up til midnight, then I had trouble going to sleep only to be awakened shortly after I fell asleep by Liam. Us crazy people in the Terrell family got up to do the official Black Friday shopping fiasco...which I'm sorry to say wasn't quite as fun for me this year, which was very possibly due to the fact that I was sleep deprived!

I'm fortunate to have my mother-in-law home right now and she's helping me with Liam so I can work some extra hours, and Liam seems to be enjoying it also! We're also preparing for the big FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!! I can't believe the year has flown by so quickly...my sweet baby is become a little man!! This year will probably give us an idea of the type of birthday party turn out you'll get when your birthday falls the week before Christmas...but regardless of how many show up will still have a good time...and trust me, there will be pictures!! :0)

I've actually gotten the birthday gifts wrapped and I finished most of the Christmas gifts last night. Tonight I got my sugar cookies made so that all I'll have left to do next week is make cupcakes and Liam's birthday cake. He's going to have a cookie monster cake made by his mommy, and I've practiced one and must say that it turned out awefully cute!!

We got our tree up about a week ago. My mom and I got it put together while Liam was taking a nap and I was so excited to get a cute picture of his face when he saw it. Funny thing was that he looked at the tree, but then he saw the vaccum and headed straight for the cord completely ignoring the tree. After a little bit of coaxing (and after putting up the vaccum) we got a few cute pictures.

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