Tuesday, October 21, 2008

time to ponder

So I was at work last night chatting with some friends when I realized that pretty much the only thing I talk about all the time is....LIAM! Yeah, go figure right, but I starting to wonder if that is annoying to other people. I mean, I think he's fabulous...pretty much the greatest thing EVER...but do other people want to hear about him all the time? I also realized that every time I write on my blog it's mostly about....yep...Liam. Is this just something that happens when you become a parent? When did this happen? I wonder if I could have a conversation with someone without bringing Liam into it. Does that make me a boring person? Am I going crazy? I feel like I'm going crazy. It makes me wonder if I should get out more...start branching out a bit and maybe even...DUN,DUN,DUN...go out with Matthew and leave Liam with a babysitter on occasion to try to get some variation in our lives. Unfortunately...babysitters aren't abundant, Matthew is still working on his master's, we're trying to save money (isn't everybody), and Matthew and I love spending time with Liam. I'm feeling braver about leaving him for longer periods as we head towards the 1 year birthday, and it's crazy to think that a year has come and gone!

My thoughts are a little jumbled right now since I worked last night and haven't had the opportunity to lay down at all yet. Anyway...if anyone has input into my dilemma i would love you hear it! :0)


Sarah Miller said...

Girl, I love to hear you talk about Liam!!! Hopefully you dont mind hearing about Landon and now Luke! I love you and miss you. Hey, do you realize, we now have Lane, Landon, Liam, and now Luke. Hilarious! Cant wait to all be together again!

danica and nick said...

i love hearing about your baby! and that's coming from an unmarried nyc city girl! : )

you do, however, need to find time to get a break at some point. if you guys lived closer, you know you could count on me for babysitting duties anytime! maybe i could teach liam to read early so he can help me with my legal briefs. i promise to pay him well. : )