Thursday, February 19, 2009

Life is so short...

It's so very easy for all of us to take each day we are given for granted...and to not appreciate the children God has blessed us with, especially on days where all your kiddos seem to do is cry (I'm not sure I've gotten to that point too many times since we waited and waited and waited for Liam, but there's probably been one or two days in the past 14 months). However, please take the time to tell your loved ones you love them, and give the children in your life and extra hug when you can, because it can all be taken away from you soooo quickly. Just this morning I got news that a very close friend of mine lost her 18 year old son in a car accident last night. He rolled his vehicle and didn't have his seat belt on...and just like that he was gone. It's been a really tough day for me...if I think about it too much I start crying. I've been hugging and kissing Liam like there's no tomorrow, and I think he thinks I'm crazy! :0) I'm not sure I'm ever going to let him leave the house with car keys....even if he's an amazing driver, there are a BUNCH of HORRIBLE drivers out about testing your faith every time your child leaves the house.

Okay, I just had to get that off my chest. Now to brag on my little man. Actually, I'm not sure I should "brag" about some of the things he's been doing...some of them are just plan scary. I believe that we have a little monkey-to-be on our hands. First things first, just the other day we were in the living room and I was working on some papers when I looked over and Liam was on top of the Leap Frog Activity Table his Grandma and Papa had bought him. He then proceded to reach up towards the bar with perfect balance. Then, this past weekend we were out and about with Nana and when Matthew went to put Liam back in the car, Liam grabbed onto the handle by the door and held on for dear life. Matthew had to work to get his little fingers loose and Liam was not happy to be put back in his car seat. This is such a funny little story because I can't tell you how many storied I've heard about how Matthew was a little monkey when he was little. Now I'm thinking we're both going to have to pay for his raising!

My cousin and his wife (Lance and Keri) came to visit for Valentine's weekend and we had a wonderful time. It looks as if we will be getting to spend more quality time with them when they move down this way in August. Matthew and I couldn't be more thrilled...and I think Liam's pretty excited too. He wanted Keri to hold him the whole time. Poor Lance, he wanted to hold Liam for a little bit, but every time he got ahold of him Liam would reach for Keri! I'm pretty sure Keri enjoyed her time with fact she wrote me just today about how she missed "her Liam", it was really sweet! I'm pretty sure anyone who comes in contact with that little man falls in love with him...he's such a charmer!

Matthew is on his next to the last class in his Master's program...please keep him in your prayers...we can see an end in sight!! YAY! Things have been kinda slow at work so I haven't been working all that much...and I'm getting kinda used to it's going to make it hard to get back in the groove when things do start to pick up again! :0)

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