Thursday, January 29, 2009

And up he goes!

Well, our newest accomplishment is.....we can stand up on our ride on car! Are we supposed we think it's the greatest thing EVER? DEFINITELY. Did we fall and go boom? Yes, but we didn't hit anything solid so there was no need to go to the ER, thank the Lord!

He's getting to be so's kinda scary. He's also loving books these days. I usually have to read any given book about 5 times a day and then we have to look through ALL the books that have textures and stuff in them...those are his favorite!

I finally got some pictures of Liam with his cousins loaded onto the computer. They were so good with him and I got some really cute pictures. They played together well and Liam would get so sad if they went somewhere that he couldn't follow.

He's also showing his temper more and more, and it tends to get him in some trouble. I'm having a hard time sometimes though. Like today, he kept trying to crawl under the end table to get to some electronic stuff that he's not allowed to play with. I would put my hand on his back and say his name in a stern voice and the first few times he would turn around and either send me a big old grin or grin up at me and giggle. I really struggled to keep my self from laughing...I had to turn my head away and cover my face.

Anyway, other than figuring out how to raise a one year old and working 36-60 hours a payperiod I've been keeping myself busy. Matthew is still working on his Master's with an expected graduation date of April. YAY! It's almost here...and I know he's more excited about it than I am. Matthew gets to spend some quality time with Liam on the weekends that my mom can't come help and he LOVES that time with Liam (and I'm pretty sure that Liam LOVES his time with his daddy)!

I think that's about it for now. Hope everyone is doing well!

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