Thursday, January 29, 2009

And up he goes!

Well, our newest accomplishment is.....we can stand up on our ride on car! Are we supposed we think it's the greatest thing EVER? DEFINITELY. Did we fall and go boom? Yes, but we didn't hit anything solid so there was no need to go to the ER, thank the Lord!

He's getting to be so's kinda scary. He's also loving books these days. I usually have to read any given book about 5 times a day and then we have to look through ALL the books that have textures and stuff in them...those are his favorite!

I finally got some pictures of Liam with his cousins loaded onto the computer. They were so good with him and I got some really cute pictures. They played together well and Liam would get so sad if they went somewhere that he couldn't follow.

He's also showing his temper more and more, and it tends to get him in some trouble. I'm having a hard time sometimes though. Like today, he kept trying to crawl under the end table to get to some electronic stuff that he's not allowed to play with. I would put my hand on his back and say his name in a stern voice and the first few times he would turn around and either send me a big old grin or grin up at me and giggle. I really struggled to keep my self from laughing...I had to turn my head away and cover my face.

Anyway, other than figuring out how to raise a one year old and working 36-60 hours a payperiod I've been keeping myself busy. Matthew is still working on his Master's with an expected graduation date of April. YAY! It's almost here...and I know he's more excited about it than I am. Matthew gets to spend some quality time with Liam on the weekends that my mom can't come help and he LOVES that time with Liam (and I'm pretty sure that Liam LOVES his time with his daddy)!

I think that's about it for now. Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wow, where did the Holidays go!

So, my last entry was on my little man's birthday. His birthday party went felt like sheer craziness but I think that all in attendance had fun...especially the 3-4 kiddos that were 1-2 years old. Liam wasn't so much into the opening of the gifts, but he did enjoy the toys once he realized that was what was hidden under the wrapping paper. Needless to say we aren't lacking in the toy department. By the time the day was over both mommy and Liam were pretty much exhausted.

All of our family in the area was able to make it. My mom, AKA Nana, as well as Matthew's mom (Grandma), dad (Papa), sister (Aunt Emily), and brother-in-law (Uncle Casey) were able to share in the excitement. Liam hasn't gotten to see his Papa a whole lot but by the end of the holidays when Papa had to head back to Poland for a little bit longer Liam had started saying his version of Papa.

Oh, and this is the birthday cake that I made for Liam's birthday. Matthew insisted that Liam have a Cookie Monster cake just like he had for his first birthday party. So, Liam got to have an entire cake ALL to himself. We had a little problem with the didn't stick to the cake as well as it should have to when Laim kicked the tray of the chair and it hit the floor with the cake on top, all the frosting popped off. I was fine with it just meant Liam would eat less sugar right?

In the midst of birthday celebrations we also celebrated Aunt Emily's birthday. We were able to go to dinner with Matthew's family for Emily's big day. It ended up being a long day, but Liam was a trooper as we went to pick Papa up at the airport and then went to dinner and stopped by Aunt Emily's new house.

Matthew was able to take about a week and a half off between Liam's birthday and New Years which was nice. It definitely made working a few night shifts easier. We had so much fun preparing for Christmas this year and Liam really liked the gold balls on the Christmas tree. He kept taking them off the tree and trying to gnaw on them...thankfully they were shatterproof. He was also somewhat interested in the gifts under the tree, more so with the gift bags....easy access I guess. It was a lot of fun getting to do the whole Santa Claus thing...though I'm pretty sure he had NO concept of what was happening. By the time we got done opening our gifts and gifts from family it looked like Toys R Us exploded in our dining room. In fact, the dining room is now our toy room....I guess that's just what happens when you start having children.

So, the holidays were good. We spent lots of time with Matthew's family and my sister was able to come visit after Christmas and we spent the New Year with them. Liam LOVED having cousins to play with, and Brodie, Austin, and Deacon did REALLY well with him. It was cute to watch them all in the dining room playing with Liam's toys with him.

Well that's about it...we're both back to work and Liam is working hard playing with his toys everyday! :0) It's amazing how quickly this past year has gone by. May God bless each of you during the year ahead! :0)