Friday, March 27, 2009

Where do I start

It's been so long since I've been able to update this that I don't even know where to start! Everything is just kinda a blur. Liam's growing, growing, growing...and we're busy chasing, chasing, chasing! Since I can't completely recall everything that's happened since the last time I blogged I'll just throw in some pics and let you know what they are...

This is a picture of Liam brushing his teeth...he LOVES to brush his teeth!! In fact, today I was talking to him and I said, "Liam let's go find your tea," and he thought I said, "let's go brush your teeth," and he ran to the bathroom door and started beating his fists on it!! :0) My silly little man!

We have now officially learned how to climb up on things. He looks a little bored in this picture huh?

Liam LOVES the vaccum...really, he wishes he could have a real one all for himself. I thought babies were usually scared of vaccums...but he's not even close. We had to go find him a play one so that he would not try to "help" me as much whenever I try to vaccum!

This is Liam's most recent hair really made him look like a big boy. He was so good when the hairstylist used the clippers. I wanted her to try it out first, and now that I know he does okay with it I think I'll start doing it at home. Our hairdresser always did it for free because she used to cut Matthew's hair when he was little and she just adores him!

Daddy dressed Liam up in one of his sweatshirts...Liam was so proud!

This is Liam using his state of the art bubble blowing lawn mower. He was so facinated with daddy's that he needed one of his own. It keeps him amused for quite a while, he just runs back and forth across the yard with it. We also got a swing for the back yard so that we have somewhere to sit and watch him while he plays. That boy was built for the outdoors!!

This has to be one of my favorite pictures of Liam. He woke up from his nap with his hair like this! What amazes me is that it can look that crazy even though it's relatively short!

So, about the rest of the family. Matthew is taking his last course for his MBA...he passed his last one with a B so thank you for all your prayers and we ask that you continue to pray for him during these last 4 weeks!! It's almost over, and I'm as excited about it as he is!! Work has been good for me. I've been getting called off one or two shifts a payperiod, but I'm okay with that since I've been signing up for 60 hours (yeah, I'm crazy...that's about to come to a screeching halt!). I'm ready to not HAVE to work, but I'm not sure when God it going to get us to that point. At least I love what I do... :0)

Things are good and we are so blessed. Hope you enjoyed LiamFest! :0)