Thursday, September 25, 2008

To start off, Liam had his 9 month check up the other day and the little fella weighed in at 21lbs. 7 oz and is 29 inches long. He's seriously growing like a weed. He's standing by himself more and more...he's probably going to start walking any day now.

Life's been busy lately. I've worked the last few weekends to get back to my regular schedule after all of our out of town plans and I'm completely exhausted. Unfortunately Liam isn't really helping me out with this predicament. Instead of taking a nap he's standing in his crib alternating crying with banging his binky on the side of the crib...crazy, stubborn kiddo! He's so tired...but alas, he thinks he should be playing instead of sleeping. I do believe he is going to be a little bit of a strong willed child as he gets bigger. He has gotten more and more fun each day...the other evening Matthew was playing in the floor with him and was tossing the ball to Tucker and Liam would belly laugh as he watched Tucker pounce was such a sweet sound to hear him get so tickled!

Other than being a little sleep deprived, which I hear comes with the mommy territory everything else seems to be going great. Works been crazy busy...we were so full that we were turning down transports the last time I was there, and it's been a long time since that's happened. For those of you who know what this means, we had 8 High Frequency Ventilators running at once. That basically means we had 8 really, really, really, really sick babies...3 or 4 of which were 23 weeks gestation. It gets really rough on the unit when there are so many critical patients.

Okay, enough about work, on the home front we're busy rearranging some of our furniture. My aunt is letting me borrow her treadmill so we're trying to find a place to put it for now...cause i seriously need to start using it! I was walking 3 miles in the mornings, but we live by two schools and since school started it's really hard to go walk early cause of all the traffic...and if you wait too late in the morning then it starts getting too warm to exercise outside. Ugh! It will eventually cool off a little bit, but probably not until later in October or into November.

Well that's about all that's going on in the exciting life of Matthew and Amy..though it's probably not really too exciting. Hope everyone is doing well.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Day in Paradise


So, staying at home has been great really, but as I sit here writing I hear Liam on the monitor screaming like his world has ended...instead of taking his nap like he's supposed to be doing. It's gotten to be even more fun now that he can pull himself up in his crib because now he stands up and screams and is less likely to fall back to sleep without intervention. :0)

Okay, back now...and the world is silent once again.

Things are going pretty well here. Matthew's job is working out pretty well right now and he's working on his MBA so he's going to be crazy busy for a while. If he's not at work he's usually either reading for class or writing a paper. We've been so busy with family in town, weddings, and then flying to WA for my high school reunion that it's nice to finally be home and slow down a bit. I'm sure Liam appreciates having his schedule back and staying in the same place for a while. I don't think we'll be flying again any time soon. After this last trip we've pretty much gotten our quota of fly time in. So even with Matthew's crazy schedule I'm working about 40 hours a pay period right now...I'm on night shift and I'm loving it. Our patient acuity has been pretty low lately though so I'm always wondering if I'm going to be called of the downfalls of being PRN. Thankfully my mom has offered to come stay with Matthew and Liam on the weekends that I'm working so that Matthew will have time to work on his papers. Liam enoys his "Nana" time, and I think Nana enjoys her "Liam" time as well (though he is getting harder to haul around these days!).

Liam's pretty much growing like a weed. He started standing on his own a couple of weeks ago...I have a feeling he's going to be walking by he's 10 months old. He goes in for his 9 month check up tomorrow morning and I'm interested to see how much he weighs and what percentiles he's in for the weight and length. He's crawling around like a crazy man fact this past weekend my mom came to visit and brought her cat, and let me just say that I haven't seen Liam move that fast before! That kid took off chasing after that cat and Hobie (that's the cat) didn't know what to do! It was hilarious! Liam's also working up to eating only table food now...he loves grilled cheese sandwiches, apple sauce, gold fish crackers, and graham crackers. Unfortunately it appears that he is going to have the same sweet tooth as his daddy so we have to limit anything that is even a little sweet or he'll eat all of the sweet stuff and leave everything else on his tray.

Johnny and Sharon came to visit at the end of August and we all had fun. In fact, Liam had his first trip to the zoo, and I think we enjoyed seeing all the animals more than he did. The toys on his stroller were a big hit with some of the other kids at the zoo. By the end of the day he was completely sacked out. Liam also got the spend some quality time with Grandma and Papa while I went to work and I think everyone had a good time! :0)

I think that's about all that's going on with the Baird family right now. This is my first time blogging so bear with me as I figure out how this all works!